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Scanning the Horizon: 1-5 Nov

Writer's picture: Change HorizonChange Horizon

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

A Global Breakdown of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector

Source: Visual Capitalist

A visual breakdown of global greenhouse gass emissions, in a form of CO2 emissions, reveals that over three quarters of all emissions come from energy use:

  • Energy use - 73.2%

  • Agriculture, forestry and land use - 18.4%

  • Industrial processes - 5.2%

  • Waste - 3.2%

EXCLUSIVE – Creating Cargo Pheromones

Source: Cargo Forwarder Global

The article explores how the global pandemic has brought opportunities for air cargo business to expand in volumes in regional airports that have flexibility in organizing slots for cargo-only flights. This has been highlighted with an example of Maastricht airport which has benefited from growing air cargo presence and is set for its record cargo volumes of close to 100,000 tons this year. Continuous growth of e-commerce and globalization are the key enablers, but specialization on perishables and pharma was also a key success factor for Maastricht.

On the otherside, big airports like Dusseldorf, which relied on passenger flights driven cargo volumes has suffered immensely. To make the matters worse, even with a dramatic drop in passenger flights, the airport management was not able to secure cargo slots at the airport, making cargo-driven recovery even harder. At Change Horizon, we believe that making the top management aware of the potential of air cargo business is key to enabling new opportunities, and this is one of our services we sell.

The Biden-Harris plan to create union jobs by tackling the climate crisis

Source: Build Back Better (The official Biden-Harris website)

The President-Elect Joe Biden and the Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris have put the climate change issues as their top 4 priorities. While campaigning, Biden was promising a bold plan – a Clean Energy Revolution – to ensure the US achieve a 100% clean energy economy and reach net-zero emissions no later than 2050 and lead the world in addressing the climate emergency.

Biden committed to signing a series of new executive orders on day one that would go well beyond the Obama-Biden Administration's platform and put the US on the right track.

Biden promised he will demand that the Congress enacts legislation in the first year of his presidency that:

1) Establishes an enforcement mechanism that includes milestone targets no later than the end of his first term in 2025

2) Makes a historic investment in clean energy and climate research and innovation

3) Incentivizes the rapid deployment of clean energy innovations across the economy, especially in communities most impacted by climate change.

What awaits tourists when they re-emerge from lockdown?

Source: The Economist

As businesses are slowly recovering after a hard year in lockdown, the Economist analyzes the long-term effect this pandemic will have on global travel.

If travellers opt for more regional and local travel, it can have a massive effect on global economy, increase inequalities and distrupt the achievements of the globalized world:

Will business travel recover or stop forever? And how will the future route networks and ticket prices be affected? Will this crisis spur innovation for efficiency and "greener" aviation? We'll be watching these and many other developments in the future or air travel.

DOD planning ‘every logistical detail’ of COVID vaccine distribution

Source: American Shipper

American Shipper covered the steps the US government is taking to prepare for the transportation of the COVID-19 vaccines. The US military is helping to manage the preparation from planning, to streamlining customs clearance, preparing all the distribution facilities, adequate transportation equipment and vaccine tracking:

Source: DoD, HHS Operation Warp Speed Strategy

Riga Airport Calls on Investors to Engage in the Development of RIX Cargo City

Source: Aviation Pros

RIX, the largest passenger airport in the Baltic states has been investing heavily over the past few years in developing its cargo capacity. As the passenger travel is not showing any signs of recovery in Europe yet, will we see the industry investing more in air cargo which has been saving the aviation this year providing the much needed revenue flow and securing the jobs in this suffering industry?

Riga's airport has started investing in a special cargo handling area a few years ago and is already working closely with Alibaba, cargo carriers Atlas Air, Atran, Eleron and RAF Avia, as well as courier companies Fedex, UPS and DHL.

How COVID-19 has affected trade, in 8 charts

Source: World Economic Forum

A new online tool which collects data from customs agencies allows to see and analyze how different countries' exports were affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

It is rather eye-opening to see the immense global dip in trade in February and March for different types of goods, but it is equally mind-blowing to see how fast exports from China have recovered and surged. For example, the chart below shows how unequally trade flows have affected the largest world economies, China, the US and Germany:

Source: OECD data

Cainiao's Journey to Double 11 2020

Source: Cainiao LinkedIn page

Cainiao, which is a logistics branch of Alibaba Group, has presented the progression of deliveries of orders and global expansion since its first 11.11 event in 2013:

Source: Cainiao Network

The Double 11, or the Singles' Day in China, has become the world's largest physical and online shopping event (Wikipedia). In anticipation of continuous growth, with a focus on e-commerce this year, Cainiao has ramped up its global logistics infrastructure. We cannot wait to see the results for this year.

Amazon Air opens first European hub

Source: Freight Waves

Amazon Air, which is an in-house cargo airline of Amazon, has opened its European hub in Leipzig/Halle Airport eliminating the need for third-party carriers and provide faster delivery options and a more competitive pricing.

Amazon Air has started daily flights to New Orleans, its major hub in the US. It is clear Amazon is building its strenght in Europe and adds competition to other shipping giants - DHL, also present in Leipzing, FedEx and UPS.

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